Enrolment Information

Enrolling/Transferring - ACT Public Schools

Visit the Education website at www.education.act.gov.au for more information and to enrol using the online enrolment form

Parents/carers are welcome to apply to enrol/transfer their child at any time during the school year using an online application form. Full details are available from the Education website.

Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at our school.

Starting preschool is a very special time for you and your child. It is a time for your child to discover, develop, and explore. Your child will develop self-control and decision making through play. They will develop their critical thinking skills as they begin to develop their pre reading and writing skills, and explore numerical concepts.

They'll expand their social skills, developing friendships with their classmates and teacher. The social skills developed at preschool, such as learning to share, waiting, respecting others, and cooperating, will help to develop essential skills that will benefit your child for the rest of their life.

Many different feelings are associated with this special occasion: a mixture of excitement and anticipation tinged with the uncertainty of a new experience.  We want your child's introduction to preschool to be both nurturing and stimulating, setting the stage for a lifetime of positive learning. Developing a successful partnership with your child's teacher and the preschool will contribute greatly to the quality of your child's experience. Together we will nurture your child's character, confidence, natural curiosity and sense of adventure. Together we will help your child develop the skills and strategies needed to successfully manage the social, emotional, physical and cognitive aspects of preschool.

Children seeking to enter school at the preschool entry point should be four years of age on or before 30 April in that year.

Preschool enrolments open in May prior to the commencement of the preschool year.

If this is the first time you have sent a child off to preschool, arrangements may appear a little bewildering. Please contact us if we can be of assistance. We endeavour to make the transition from home to preschool as smooth as possible for you and your child. We look forward to a long and happy association with you and your family.

To enrol your child at Palmerston District Preschool, please go to https://www.education.act.gov.au/  and complete the application online. Drop by or call on (02) 6142 1440.