
Welcome to the Palmerston District Primary School Resource Centre

We are very fortunate at Palmerston to have an extensive library with wonderful books for our students. Parent are welcome to visit the Library with their children before and after school (8.30-9.00 and 3.00-3.30) to assist in book selection, return books, or to read quietly. There is no teacher supervision during this time, so parents do need to stay with their children.

Bilingual Books

Our Library has a wide range of bilingual texts and parents are encouraged to access these resources to encourage students in their first language literacy. We are keen to develop this collection so please let us know if we need books in your language.

Parent Resources

We are currently developing our collection of parent resources on a range of topics including Sex Ed., Protective Behaviours and Special Needs. We welcome suggestions for resources that may be of interest to parents and carers. These resources are on a stand near the Library office for parents to readily access.


The Library is open for quiet reading Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Students are encouraged to use this time to return and borrow books too so they always have something new to read.

Parent Assistance

Please feel free to come into our wonderful library and borrow for yourself and your family. If you have some spare time before or after dropping your children at school, we are always pleased to have volunteers to help in the library. From shelving to covering books, we can always find a way for you to assist!

We welcome donations of books and  are always happy to accept quality books your children may have outgrown.


Each class has a designated library borrowing day each week. Please check your child's day with their teacher. Students in the junior classes are strongly encouraged to have a library bag to protect books from possible accidents with liquids and damage from transportation to and from school.

Scholastic Book Club

Our Library benefits enormously from the Scholastic Book Club (managed by the P & C) and our annual Scholastic Book Fair. Your support of these initiatives greatly assists our ability to buy new resources each year.