A-Z Information


The A-Z of Information about Palmerston

Welcome to Palmerston District Primary School. We have provided an A-Z of information to assist in a smooth transition to Palmerston Primary School. If you have any further questions, please call the front office on 02 6142 1440 and they will endeavor to assist you.


The canteen at Palmerston PS is run by an external company called Healthy Kids Association. The canteen currently operates 4 days a week (Tues - Fri). For information on menus and how to order please see https://myschoolconnect.com.au

Car Parking

Parents are urged to exercise extreme caution in the car parks, especially after school when the car parks are very busy. Please park only in the parking bays. We have a pick up and drop off area where your child may exit the car on the passenger side. Please do not park so your child would need to run across a road to be picked up.

Christian Education

Christian Education is an optional extra-curricular activity that is offered at Palmerston Primary. A session is held once a term. These sessions are supervised by classroom teachers. For children not participating in this program, an alternate program is provided. A permission note is available at the Front Office which allows families to make the decision about attendance at Christian Education.

Class Rolls/Student Safety

Class rolls are marked twice a day. Please notify the school via the Skoolbag App, email to info_palmdps@ed.act.edu.au or 614 21440 if your child is absent.

Collection of Money

It would be appreciated if parents could send in payment to the class teacher for excursions etc. in a sealed envelope. A receipt will be issued and sent home with your child. Please note that the P&C and the school have different bank accounts.

Communication with Parents

Close and effective two-way communication between the school and the home is vital to the educational process. Parents are asked to make an appointment for any discussion with the Principal, Deputy Principal, School Psychologist or teachers. This gives an opportunity to ensure they are available for you. An appointment will be arranged at the earliest possible time and attention will be given immediately to urgent issues. Please make the class teacher your first contact. If you require further assistance an Executive Teacher can assist. Should you need to take the matter further please contact the Deputy Principals. The Principal is available to meet with you if you continue to have concerns.

Parents are always welcome to visit the school. The main forms of communication between school and home include:

Parents are assured that communication from teachers is always made when a child's progress or behaviour indicates that this is necessary. Likewise, it is very important that parents contact the school whenever anything occurs in the home environment which might affect your child's work or well being.


We have laptops, iPads and a computer lab available for whole class lessons, as well as small group and individual lessons. Each class will now have access to iPad’s. PoDs also have interactive white boards.


If you have any concerns or queries please raise them with the teacher or front office staff in the first instance.

If you need further assistance with issues, please contact the ACT Education Directorate, Liaison Unit, on Tel: 6205 5429 or Email: DET.CommunityLiaison@act.gov.au

Contact Details

Contact numbers, addresses and email addresses need to be kept up to date with the Front Office. Children can be distressed unnecessarily when sickness or illness occurs and the contact number is out of date. Please complete a change of details form via Skoolbag App or at the Front Office.

Court Orders and Parenting Agreements

Please discuss any special circumstances with the Principal and lodge copies of these orders/agreements with the Front Office. Court Orders can only be enforced if the school has a current copy. These documents are treated confidentially in our school.


We aim to foster lifelong learners who can direct and take responsibility for their own learning, and to ensure successful learning outcomes for all our students. Guided by the National Curriculum, the school provides a differentiated program to students. We cater for all learning needs by utilising tools such as Bloom’s Taxonomy and the Multiple Intelligences. We offer accelerated learning projects which link with industry and our students regularly participate in a range of competitions.

We provide school excursions linked to our inquiry units and other curriculum areas. We also provide sport clinics and have a music and singing program.

We offer Environmental Science, Indonesian as our Language other than English and library lessons.

English and Mathematics are core learning areas in primary school. We have a daily literacy block that encompasses reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing. The numeracy block includes: number, measurement, space, chance and data.